Despite all the scientific date and proven evidence based
programs conducted by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), American
College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) along with other reputable Fitness
Certification Agencies, I still see and hear “I want to do Cardio first to lose
weight and then start resistance training” This is the biggest misconception
that still permeates through fitness clubs, unfortunately the diet industry,
gimmicky fast weight loss programs, the strong aerobic programs at the most
fitness clubs still “feeds this fire”.
Bottom line, when performing any sporting activity or cardiovascular
type exercise, ask yourself what is actually doing the work – answer – muscles and
bones are the ones doing the work and burning calories, therefore if you have
more lean muscle tissue and stronger bones, ligaments, tendons, other soft
tissues you increase the ability to burn more calories, you can also work
harder for less time – and burn more overall calories in less time – that equals
more fat used during and particularly after the exercise is completed = better
results and faster results.
Nutrition is also important in that it requires enough
calories from healthy food to 1 – Support your daily living metabolism
2-provide energy to perform daily tasks 3-provide energy to perform the
exercise work and 4-provide energy to repair tissues and build muscle, bone,
soft tissues etc.
Consequently consistent results are dependent on the
synergistic combination of all the relevant components. To schedule a
comprehensive assessment and the development of a goal oriented program contact
Wendy Hammond or Ricky Ali at 305.820.8006.
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